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Success Stories

“Brian enabled me to shift my mindset, create a strategy to gain clients in the near term, and equipped me with the tools to establish future long-term clients and deal flow.
I've always been a natural "salesperson,” but never trained or learned the framework, tactics, or discipline. Brian took me through the basics all the way to the master class.
If you are looking to take your business to the next level and raise yourself to your utmost potential, quickly, then Brian is your guy.”
Adam Posner
Founder & CEO | NHP Talent Group

“We were a step away from closing down a business that has been around for 90 years. And I don't think I'm overstating it when I say that Brian and his Accelerator program gave us what we needed to save our company.
Has the program impacted us? It's changed everything. And I don't know whether it's had a bigger impact on me or on the company, but I would have to say both.
So impact is a light word. Working with Brian was transformational.”
Greg Scandale
President | Long Life Fleet

“Brian Cristiano and his Deal Flow Accelerator is one of the best sales programs that I've ever been a part of.
I was able to close around $80,000 worth of contracts during the program because of the way Brian told me to sell. I was able to get my foot in the door with a major utility company that otherwise probably would not be able to get in the door with and also get paid to do an assessment for that same company.
Working with Brian is game changing!”
Brian Shepherd
Founder & CEO | BrandX Worldwide

“Prior to speaking with Brian, I was feeling a little lost. I had not found my way in business and really needed to get some guidance to get me over the hump. Brian’s coaching was able to get me into action immediately.
His training and sales role-play and mock pitch was huge! This immediately led to me booking appointments, and ultimately closing new business to generate more leads and sales. Prior to this, finding my niche was the struggle I had. Brain helped me find what I am truly good at so now I can be passionate about sales and max out. Thank you, Brian!
I recommend Brian to help you get going in the right direction and accelerate your business growth."
Dante Street
Owner | Digital Row Consulting